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Von kuxiao17, 02:20competition. Oracle also said it had found that TomorrowNow stole all the Oracle applications, and bug fix procedures and technical support material. Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.
It wants from SAP get what?
Money. A lot of money. Oracle said it is entitled to 20 billion dollars in damages. This one is largely in the SAP did not use the services of TomorrowNow snatched client Oracle, Oracle should get profits.
SAP what to say? Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.
It said it was ridiculous. It said that any one in that time frame want to get rid of Oracle's PeopleSoft and JD Edwards customers, are likely to do that, this is mainly because they worry about their supply chamber of commerce, rather than by Oracle acquisitions because TomorrowNow. It would give Oracle some money, but just tens of dollars just.
This is the trial of the ins and outs of next week? Outlook 2010 is powerful.
Don't be too impatient. Two months ago, Oracle and SAP agreed to narrow the scope of this case. SAP says if Oracle would be willing to give up the other nine charges, focus on damages, so it is willing to admit TomorrowNow violated the Oracle copyright.
This is really happy...
Don't be naive. They each other's "hate" very deep. Oracle just wasn't enough time to persuade the jury just. So, focus on big compensation side will get better returns. Plus SAP has admitted that the TomorrowNow downloaded "improper", so it agreed to narrow the scope of this case, mainly discuss the problem for damages. Office 2007 is so powerful.
So, this means that SAP know all these illegal activities?
Not necessarily. SAP a start saying something about illegal downloads, its executives unwitting, everything is TomorrowNow do. But Oracle said it can prove SAP executives know these illegal behavior. Oracle also said next week, it will let SAP executives standing in the witness chair, then ask them some awkward questions.
If so, the trial is about - whether know illegal downloads SAP thing? Microsoft Office 2007 is my love!
Don't be too impatient. On Thursday, SAP made amazing feat, SAP said it no longer think it executives don't know TomorrowNow affair. If the infringement of "participation" have no objection, then the problem is about damages trial.